We have successfully concluded an Accident at Work Personal Injury claim for one of our clients. This client has agreed that we can use his file as a case study for marketing purposes.
The facts were as follows:
The client was involved in an accident at work. He works in a cold food store and there was an ongoing issue in the warehouse where ice was building up due to faulty doors on the warehouse. This had been reported and attempts had been made to rectify the problem, however it was still ongoing.
Our client was making his way across the warehouse floor when he suddenly slipped on a patch of black ice and fell to the floor banging his head and injuring his back. He already had an ongoing back problem however this was aggravated for a number of years. He also developed tinnitus due to the bang on the head. We secured supportive medical evidence to confirm that the tinnitus was linked to the fall.
Liability was disputed, however, the parties did enter settlement negotiations. Unfortunately, this did not lead to a settlement and court proceedings had to be issued. Thankfully the case settled quite soon after issue of proceedings in our client’s favour.