Viewing post categorized under: Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs

December 9 / Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs

NEW YEAR, NEW WILL – It’s Time to Tackle What You’ve Been Putting Off!

One of the things clients always say to me is “we’ve been meaning to do this for ages and ages, but we kept putting it off!”

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February 29 / Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs

Danger of Home Made wills

How is it that a will scribbled on the back on a napkin can be valid, but a beautifully scripted will on the finest of hand crafted papers can be worthless?

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February 13 / Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs

Non-monogamy and wills / estate planning

Couples, thruples, polygamous relationships and non-monogamy

Do not bury your head in the sand – when you have a non-traditional relationship structure the headline is – ‘THE INTESTACY RULES WON’T CUT IT’

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December 13 / Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs

The importance of having your later life affairs in order

The fact is we have an ageing population – healthier lifestyles and medical advances mean that people are living longer

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November 6 / Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs


A Will is one of the most important documents that a person will ever sign, yet surprisingly 2 out of 3 adults die without leaving a valid Will

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October 6 / Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs

Care Fee Funding and Deprivation of Assets

Virtually every day we see clients who think that it would be a good idea to give their home away – either as an outright gift to their children or into a trust, as a way of avoiding any future care fees

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June 16 / Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs

Why everybody over the age of 18 should be making a will

‘I was shocked to find out my dad could inherit if I died – I haven’t seen him for years’

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April 11 / Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs

What on earth is Cryptocurrency?

One of the questions we now ask our clients at our initial will meeting is “Do you have any cryptocurrency?”

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January 24 / Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs

Update your Will Week

Research commissioned by SFE (Solicitors for the Elderly) and Maxwell Hodge Solicitors shows that nearly one-half of UK adults have experienced a life changing event since last updating their Will.

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January 18 / Wills, Probate & Lifetime Planning Blogs

Cohabiting couples / Common Law Marriage and Inheritance

Common Law Marriage

In 2021 there were around 3.6 million cohabiting unmarried couples – an increase of 144% since 1996

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