If you believe that you, or a member of your family, have received substandard or negligent care, you may wish to send a letter of complaint to the NHS Trust or the individual responsible for that care.

A written complaint does not result in compensation for your losses but it will result in an explanation and, if your treatment provider feels that your complaint is justified, a written apology.

Making a written complaint can result in lessons being learnt and practices and procedures improved. You may well receive assurances that procedures will be implemented to minimise the risk of repeat failures.

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) are available to provide confidential support and advice. They have offices in most hospitals and can be contacted online.

NHS complaints should be made as soon as possible and, certainly, within one year.

Information to be provided:

  • Where and when the events happened.
  • People involved.
  • What did, or did not, happen.
  • What happened as a result of the action, or inaction, and how this has impacted upon you.

What Happens Then

  • You should receive a written acknowledgement, usually within 21 days, together with an anticipated date by which you can expect to receive an official response to your complaint.
  • As a general rule, the response is usually provided within 30 working days of receipt of your complaint, which will address each of your concerns individually.
  • If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you may wish to contact The Health Service Ombudsman who will consider the details of your complaint in full and provide advice.
  • The response will contain useful information, should you decide to make a legal claim for compensation.

How Can We Help?

It is important that any letter of complaint is as detailed and accurate as possible. Maxwell Hodge can prepare that letter for you, advising and assisting during the process. We have an experienced team and provide this service free of charge.

If you would like our Medical Negligence Team to assist you, please call any of our offices across Liverpool and Wirral. Alternatively, you may wish to contact us online using info@maxweb.co.uk