Time to Talk Day – 2025
“1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem in any given year”. (Rethink Mental Illness).
Healthy Habits
January is a great time to try and develop healthier habits. Doing so presents the opportunity to reap various physical and mental benefits
World Mental Health Day 2024
Today is World Mental Health Day. The theme for this year is workplace mental health. We have a supportive culture at Maxwell Hodge and encourage positive mental health and wellbeing. Our company values are Team, Support, Guidance and Resilience, which are promoted at all levels. These values are important for working with clients and colleagues…
Children and Young People – Return to School
September sees the start of a new school term. For many children and young people this means a return to a new school year. This might be familiar to them, as they may be returning to the same school or college but for others, it will bring new excitement and challenges as they start at…
Helping Others
When people around us, whether it be loved ones or a colleague at work, suffer mental ill health or poor wellbeing it can be distressing. This is because you are worried about them and maybe unsure how to help.
International Fathers Mental Health Day
Background International Fathers’ Mental Health Day is a relatively new concept and was co-founded in 2016 by Mark Williams (UK) and Dr Daniel Singley (USA)
Stress Awareness Month, April 2024 – Positive V Negative Stress – Managing Stress Effectively
What is Stress? Stress can lurk in all aspects of our lives whether that be in response to personal or professional pressures, or sometimes a combination of both
Stress Awareness Month, April 2024 – The Power of Resilience
What is Resilience? Being resilient means adapting and bouncing back when something difficult happens (Miles, 2022)
Stress Awareness Month, April 2024 – Understanding Parental Mental Health
Parental Mental Health and Managing Family Stress Being a parent brings a lot of challenges and for parents that have a mental health problem, these challenges can be exacerbated
International Women’s Day
On this day, we think about the women, in this country and throughout the world, who are not free to make their own decisions and who live in fear and conflict.
Children’s Mental Health Week – 5-11 February
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? The Children’s Society (2024) reports that: 1 in 6 children aged 5-16 are likely to have a mental health problem. 17 to 23 year old women are the most at risk group of developing a mental health problem. SUPPORTING MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING There are various things parents and carers can…
Time to Talk Day
Time to Talk Day emphasises the importance of communicating with friends and family and in some circumstances, with professionals
Healthy Habits
We see January as a great opportunity to develop healthy habits, whether that means trying something new or building on existing skills or routines
Can Oestrogen Rich Foods Help with the Effects of Menopause?
Recently, I caught the tail end of a discussion, on the radio, about oestrogen rich foods
Stress Awareness Day – 2023
Feeling stressed out? You are not alone! Stress is everywhere. Work. Relationships. Money, Parenting. There are ways to deal with all of this. Stress means something different to everybody but essentially, it is wanting things to be different to how they are now. Meditations and mindfulness can help to cope with stress. The techniques will…
World Menopause Day
Menopause is a natural stage of life experienced by the majority of women
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day takes place annually on 10 October. This year’s theme is ‘mental health is a universal human right’. The purpose of this annual event is to raise awareness of mental health and to drive positive change. One of the main factors for this is having more conversations about mental health and…
Looking After and Enhancing Wellbeing
What is Wellbeing? Wellbeing refers to “the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy” (Mental Health Foundation, 2015).
“Back to School” – Supporting Wellbeing
With children and young people returning to or starting a new school/college, we thought it imperative to share an article focusing on children, young people and parent/guardian mental health and wellbeing.
Christmas & Financial Wellbeing
Financial Wellbeing is essential because it means feeling secure and in control of day-to-day finances (CIPD, 2023).
Volunteers Week – 1-7 June
Volunteers’ Week takes place 1-7 June, celebrating the positive contribution volunteers make to society. At Maxwell Hodge, we have Employer Supported Volunteering (ESV) meaning our people can go and volunteer with a charity/organisation during work time. We are using Volunteers’ Week to encourage our people to utilise ESV because of the many benefits it has:…
Mental Health Awareness Week – ‘Anxiety’
The theme for this Mental Health Awareness Week is Anxiety
Resilience Becoming more resilient is important for individuals and businesses. This is because building resilience means we can react better to situations. On an individual basis, this means we can deal with stress more effectively. For businesses, resilience enables a positive response to the ever-changing world of work, thus being in a better position to…
My Whole Self Day 2023
Today, 14 March 2023, is My Whole Self Day. This is an annual campaign by Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England, the purpose of which is to drive positive workplace culture change
Wellbeing on Valentine’s Day
Whether you are in a relationship or not, you may experience difficult emotions around Valentine’s Day. You could particularly struggle at this time of year with heightened feelings of loneliness and/or low self-esteem. Idealised relationships often presented on social media and TV can trigger or worsen such emotions.
Healthy Habits
Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Team are focusing on Healthy Habits this month.
Stress Awareness
This week, 7th-11th November 2022, is International Stress Awareness Week. In recognition of this, we have prepared this short blog emphasising the importance of managing stress effectively. WHAT IS STRESS? In order to develop techniques for managing stress, it is important firstly to understand what stress means. HSE define stress as ‘the adverse reaction people…
Mental Health Awareness
Theme The Theme for this years’ Mental Health Awareness Week is Loneliness.
Anti-Bullying Week 2021
It was recently Anti-Bullying Week, which took place 15th-19th November. The theme for this year was One Kind Word, which emphasises the significance that our words have and whether how we treat others has a negative or positive impact. Bullying can happen to anyone at any time, whether you are a child at school, a…
Today is “World Menopause Day” – a day where we can raise awareness and highlight the support available for our health and wellbeing.
Maternal Mental Health Matters Awareness Week
PURPOSE The purpose of Maternal Mental Health Matters Awareness Week (4-9 May 2021) is to encourage important conversations regarding mental illness during pregnancy and/or after giving birth and signposting women and their families to dedicated organisations offering advice, information and support to enable recovery. The Facts According to The Mental Health Foundation, the most common…
Valentine’s Day & Mental Health
Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate loving relationships. However, many of us will suffer with our mental health because Valentine’s Day can heighten feelings of loneliness and self-worth.
Children and Young People’s Mental Health
WHY IT MATTERS The Mental Health Foundation states that 1 in 10 children and young people will experience a mental health problem.
Christmas and Mental Health
Christmas can be such a wonderful time for many of us as we get to connect with loved ones and spend time with one another. However, Christmas can also have a negative impact on our mental health.
The Impact of COVID-19 on our Mental Health – September 2020
Mental Health & COVID-19 The long-term mental health implications of COVID-19 are currently unknown, but what we do know is that there are several factors to consider.
Stress Awareness
To highlight stress awareness this year, our Mental Health First Aid Team asked the Board of Directors what stress management means to them and the techniques they use to overcome stress:
Stress Awareness
What is Stress? Stress is the body’s reaction to change. Naturally, we use physical, mental and emotional responses to deal with any change that requires an adjustment or response and therefore, stress is a normal part of life.
Mental Health on Valentine’s Day
Loneliness, low self-esteem and difficulty managing mental health in a relationship can all heighten due to Valentine’s day and whether or not we are in a loving relationship, we can all feel left out on days like Valentine’s day.
Healthy Habits
Habits provide the basis for our most positive outcomes in life; mindfulness, becoming fitter/stronger and giving work our full attention – but our habits nevertheless create most of the problems that we encounter in our lives, such as getting lost for hours on social media instead of being present for the people we love.
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” but also a time when stress levels soar.
Christmas can cause high levels of stress, pressure and conflict.
Mental Health Awareness Day
Maxwell Hodge has a legal duty of care to all employees, which means that all possible steps need to be taken to protect individual wellbeing and provide necessary, and sometimes crucial, support. Maintaining a healthy workplace is a priority.
Mental Health First Aider Training – Julie Sowery
I recently attended Mental Health First Aider in the Workplace Course along with Claire, Kris and Sarah. It was a two day course which proved to be quite intense and in turn, emotionally and mentally challenging.